1. Prepare a control (unspiked) and a spiked sample of beer. A typical serving is 80ml to 100ml per person.
IMPORTANT: To remind you of the beer’s original aroma and taste impression and to allow to directly compare the differences between both samples, always start the tasting procedure with your control sample followed by the spiked sample.
Guide: How to Prepare a Sample
2. Aroma Impressions: Swirl the glass gently. “Drive” the sample by your nose while sniffing in for initial aroma impression. Use two or three short, sharp sniffs to allow the volatiles to reach the appropriate areas.
3. Taste Impressions: Take one or two small sips and allow the sample to sit on your tongue for taste impressions.
4. Swallow: Swallow the sample. This is necessary to allow evaluation of the sample’s bitterness component.
When conducting sensory analysis of beer or other beverages, it is important to standardize the tasting process. This video shows a common procedure used by professional tasters in evaluating beer: